• Developmental disabilities adult providing love to a dog

How To Apply

Who do I call?

To schedule an initial intake meeting, whether you are new or returning please contact Rikki Lane at 316-322-8777 or e-mail rikki@cddobutlercounty.org

What information is needed from me?

The following information is required to process eligibility for I/DD services:

  • Documentation supporting the Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability
  • I/DD Application (completed at the intake meeting)
  • Social Security Card
  • Government issued ID (if Applicable)
  • Medical Insurance Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • Guardianship Paperwork (if Applicable)
  • Copy of most recent IEP (Individualized Education Plan)

Does the person applying for services need to be present for the intake?

The individual for which services are being applied for does not need to be present for the intake appointment. Information can be provided by a representative, guardian or parent on behalf of the individual. If the individual is their own guardian, they will need to sign any paperwork for I/DD services.

Once eligibility has been determined, and the individual is over the age of 5, a secondary appointment will need to be scheduled for a functional assessment screening to enter into the State of Kansas system. The individual applying for services must be present for this screening.

How long after the intake appointment, will eligibility determination be made?

Eligibility for I/DD services will be determined within 5 business days of the CDDO receiving all required information needed for the individual file. Applicants will be notified via mail of the determination for services.